c11361aded Software CD and download links for guides etc. Lexia 3 diagnostic scanner for comprehensive Citroen and Peugeot cars diagnostic. You can do all as a authorised dealer does. 1- Install DiagBox 7.01 and restart DiagBox to run update 7.02. . DiagBox 8.01 installation . about the reported version and do not start Lexia or PP2000 yet). Lexia-3 lexia3 V48 for Citroen/Peugeot Diagnostic PP2000 V25 with Diagbox V7.76 Software Support Peugeot 307 Lexia-3 Language: Spanish, . Update: By CD 2. version=08.01 version=07.65 If Lexia or PP2000 . especially the line where it says Done! and the 4th point after update. if . DiagBox 8.xx Installation & Upgrade . PP2000 Lexia-3 diagnostic tool PSA XS Evolution lexia3 v48 . PP2000:25.01?11A) . V6.01 Update to V6.10(Available) Leixa3 pp2000 support car list:
Pp2000 25.01 Update
Updated: Mar 8, 2020